About us
The Malta Chamber of Geologists (MCG)/ Kamra tal-Ġeologi is a registered non-profit professional organisation established to represent and defend the profession of the Geologist in Malta and to broaden and update knowledge of its members.
The MCG promotes the science and practice of geology and geoscience by safeguarding standards and distributing research and knowledge in the fields of geology and has a social purpose of raising awareness in geology that benefits public safety and economic development.
President: Dr Peter Gatt
Secretary: Christopher Gauci
Treasurer: Dr Paul Vincent Grech
Educ. Secretary: Lindsay Debono
Registration number : V/O 2329
Bankers: Bank of Valletta
EU PIC: 885488945
Transparency Register: 218510351724-15
Benefits of joining the MCG:
Strengthening the voice of the profession
Training opportunities & CPD
Opportunities to be vetted on COST and other EU programs
Networking and knowledge sharing
Operating within a Code of Professional Conduct that ensures standards
Personal Development opportunities
To become a member send an email to request a membership form.
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MCG participates in I CHOOSE careers fair.... read more in LATEST NEWS
What are geologists?
All over Europe, geologists are engaged in three sectors of activity: Resources & Energy, Environment and Construction. The role of the geologist is different from that of the engineer: Geologists interpret, engineers design and build.
Geologists make use of their special knowledge for the benefit of the public and are trained to consider the entire physical environment, the materials that compose it (rocks, soils, and water). Geologists work in exploration and development of mineral resources used in construction and industry and development of water resources, but also evaluating the stability of foundations for buildings, dams, bridges and roads, plus many others. Few other professions affect the public more than geology, especially through collaboration with the construction and engineering professions.
Why should you contact a geologist?
Is rock excavation adjacent to your property threatening the safety and stability of your property?
Worried about the quality of building stone and aggregate used in your home?
Groundwater seeping into your property?
Need an expert witness in Court?
For details about membership click below
Press releases issued by the MCG
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The Profession
Council & Regulations
Latest news from the Chamber of Geologists
National and international affiliations
MOUs signed with the following entities
Press release: The MCG issues a press release about the Jen Paul Sofia Public Inquiry Report. Press coverage: Times of Malta Malta Independent
Press Release: The MCG issued a press release in response to the document published by the Energy & Water Agency on the proposed sites for offshore renewable energy. Press coverage: The Malta Independent Times of Malta
Tampering of Geological map of Malta. The press have reported MCG's President comment in social media about the tampering of the geological map of Malta by the Continental Shelf Department. Read more:
Malta Independent ; Times of Malta
Press Release: The MCG issued a press release in response to the document published by the Energy & Water Agency on the proposed sites for offshore renewable energy.
Press Releases The Malta Independent Times of Malta
Opposition MP stresses need for a Malta Geological Service: Opposition spokesman for Energy, Ing. Mark Anthony Sammut has highlighted in the Maltese Parliament the importance for Malta to have a National Geological Service. Malta remains the only European country that lacks such an institution. The MP also mentioned the importance of having the profession of the Geologist recognised by the state by means of a Warrant. Jeħtieġ servizz ġeoloġiku nazzjonali - NETnews
MCG President addresses conference on ESG and renewable energy organised by PKF. Conference was addressed by Energy Minister Dr Miriam Dalli and other stakeholders. NET News (12.4.2023).
MCG President Dr Gatt participates in Business breakfast about Malta's Energy Agenda. Panel included the Hon Dr Miriam Dalli, Minister for Energy, Environment and Enterprise, and Prof Luciano Mule Stagno from the University of Malta. Times of Malta (26.1.2023)
Opposition spokesman for Planning and Construction, Hon Ing Stanley Zammit delivered a speech in Parliament and stressed on the need that Geologists are given a state Warrant. NETnews You Tube vedeo (14.12.2022)
Geohazards at St Paul's Bay: Another tragic case of damage to property caused by geohazards has occurred in Triq ix-Xaghjra tal-Bandieri in St Paul's Bay. times of Malta
The MCG issues Press Release about the errors and omissions of the 'updated' Geological map of Malta. 3.12.2022 Malta Today report; Times of Malta (12.12.2022)
The MCG President interviewed on Newsbook about the recent earthquake (29/11/2022). Newsbook
The MCG President Peter Gatt TV interview on NetLive about oil and gas exploration in Malta's continental shelf (20.10.2022). NET News
Chamber President Dr Peter Gatt, President talks about oil and gas exploration in Malta in an interview by Prof Andrew Azzopardi on FM 103 (19/2/2022): Andrew Azzopardi on 103: F’Malta għandna żejt? - YouTube
Chamber of Geologists says it was refused place on BICC Advisory Board - The Malta Independent (February 2022)
MARE Conference: For the second time, the MCG participated in the two-day (1-2 June 2023) MARE conference on the construction industry in Malta, held at the MFCC along with 70 other exhibitors and partners. The MCG this year mounted a stand which attracted interest from industry, consultancies, NGOs and administrative entities. The MCG President, Dr Peter Gatt, participated on a panel discussing safety in construction along with other stakeholders from the Chamber of Architects & Civil Engineers (Kamra tal-periti), Malta Chamber of Project Managers and the health and safety industry.
The MCG President Dr Peter Gatt delivered a presentation on Malta's Exclusive Economic Zone at the Conference exploring links between ESG and renewable energy, organised by PKF. The Conference was addressed by Energy Minister Dr Miriam Dalli and several stakeholders. Dr Gatt spoke about the potential of Malta's EEZ for natural gas, geothermal energy and hydrogen gas. Dr Gatt highlighted the need for Malta to have a National Geological Service. ESG and renewable energy (12.4.2023).
The MCG President, Dr Peter Gatt attends the 81st Council meeting of the European Federation of Geologists in Brussels (18-20.11.2022). During the meeting Dr Gatt delivered a presentation on behalf of the National Associations of Italy, Malta, the Netherlands and Spain on the development of the profession of the Geologist in Europe.
The MCG participates in the EFG Council meeting held in the Azores on 22nd May 2022. The MCG is a member of the European Federation of Geologists (EFG).
The MCG President Dr Peter Gatt participates in webinar on the Green Deal organised by the Times of Malta with the support of the European Parliament (2.6.2022).
The MCG is partner to the MARE Summit on the Construction Industry in Malta. A presentation titled 'Building on safe ground: What is the underlying geology?' was delivered by MCG President during the conference on 5th May 2022.
The President of MCG, Dr Peter Gatt and the President of ICOG, Prof Manuel Regueiro y Gonzalez-Barros, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will strengthen collaboration between the two professional National Associations of geologists.
MOU between MCG and the Gozo Regional Development Authority (GRDA). The agreement was signed by GRDA CEO, Mr Mario Borg, and by the President of the Malta Chamber of Geologists, Dr Peter Gatt.
The President of MCG, Dr Peter Gatt and the Chairman of Malta Energy Ltd., Mr Paul Abela have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will strengthen collaboration between the two entities in the field of energy. Malta Energy is a public private partnership between the Chamber of SMEs and the Maltese government through the Water Services Corporation. 14.6.2023
MCG signs MOU with MARE Conference on promoting geology for public safety in construction. 24.1.2023
MCG signs a co-operation Agreement with IDEA Academy (30.11.2022)
The MCG and the Malta Developers Association have issued a joint Position Paper calling for the State Warranting for Geologists and the setting up of a Malta Geological Service. 14.9.2022: Malta Today; Dynamic Events ; Times of Malta
MCG enrolled as a Voluntary Organisation with the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations: Malta Chamber of Geologists | MaltaCVS
Chamber President Dr Peter Gatt meets with Glenn Burridge, Executive Director of the European Federation of Geologists. (10/2/2022)
The MCG welcomes four new members in the professional Geologist and Geoscientist classes: Emily Murray Farrugia, Daniel Agius, Emanuele Colica, Jacqueline Licari. 2023
The MCG welcomes four new members in the professional Geologist class: Lindsay Debono, Anne van Dierendonck, Gordon Knox and Ivan Mifsud.
Dr Martyn Pedley (Univ. of Hull) and Dr Edward Rose (Univ. of London) elected Honorary members of MCG. 6.6.2022.
MCG Council approves Code of Professional Conduct and establishes the Grievance Committee.
MCG Council approves the document Geology in the Construction Industry of Malta.
MCG issues document titled Geology for energy in Malta: Discussion Document
Joint Position Paper on Public Safety in Construction by the MCG and the Malta Developers Association 3.9.2022. Times of Malta report
August 2023: MCG joins the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA)
February 2023: MCG joins the European Geosciences Union (EGU) network of National Geoscientific Societies.
March 2022: MCG joins the European Federation of Geologists (EFG)
Professionalism Innovation Sustainability Public safety
The MCG contributes to the protection of the environment, public safety and responsible exploitation of natural resources and promotes excellence in the application of geology.
MCG promotes common European policy on matters such as geology in planning, transition and renewable energy, monitoring and containing natural hazards and, economic and sustainable use of national mineral resources.
The MCG promotes education and awareness for citizens at all levels on the importance of Geology for environmental protection, sustainable development and public safety.