The Geological profession in Malta can trace its origin to the Knights' Period. The world-famous Geologist Deodat de Dolomieu resided in Valletta and was promoted to commander in 1780.  Dolomieu was an observationalist and spent much of his time collecting and categorizing geological data. Dolomieu left his permanent mark on geology by discovering the mineral dolomite that would be named after him. 

During the British Colonial Period, Thomas Spratt pioneered the study of Maltese geology when he published 'on the Geology of Malta and Gozo' in 1854. Murray (1890) established and named the five Formations of the Maltese Islands which are still in use.

The contribution by Maltese Geologists in the 20th Century are various. Rizzo (1932) subdivided the Globigerina Limestone Formation into three members, the Lower, Middle and Upper members. 

For more information: 

Rose, E.P.F. (2021) British Military contributions to the Geology of Malta, part 1. Earth Sciences History, 40, 503–537.

Zammit Maempel, G. (1989) Pioneers of Maltese Geology, 302 pp, P.E.G. Malta.

          Geologists who worked in Malta                            Geological maps of Malta


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