The Malta Chamber of Geologists (MCG) is a non-profit, registered (VO/2329) organisation established to represent and defend the profession of the geologist in Malta and to promote and distribute research and knowledge in the fields of Geology and Earth Sciences. The management of the MCG is undertaken by the Executive Council. The MCG was set up in the interests of:

·         Public safety

·         To promote high standards in geology and its applications.

·         To contribute to the protection of the environment.

·         To promote the recognition of the profesion of the geologist

·         Responsible exploitation of natural resources.

·         To promote transition and renewable energy resources.

·         Promotion of excellence in the application of geology and European standards. 


MCG promotes common European policy on matters such as geology in planning, renewable energies, monitoring and containing natural hazards and, economic and sustainable use of national mineral resources. 

The MCG promotes the science and practice of geology and geoscience by safeguarding standards and distributing research and knowledge in the fields of geology and has a social purpose of raising awareness in geology that benefits public safety and economic development.


The MCG promotes education and awareness for citizens at all levels on the importance of Geology for environmental protection, sustainable development, and public safety.



The Malta Chamber of Geologists is a registered professional organisation (VO/2329) 

If you want to receive the Chamber's bi-monthly newsletter please send us your email address and it will be included in our mailing list.

email: chamberofgeologists@gmail.com | mob. 79603783