Conferences and other public events
MCG participates in the I CHOOSE careers fair
The MCG has participated at the I CHOOSE careers fair attracting a significant number of young students who asked about careers in geology and the BSc in geology being offered at Idea College in Malta.
The small rock collection on display was of particular interest to inquisitive young minds, many of whom managed to name several of the rocks!
The I CHOOSE fair is organised by the Ministry for Education. (19-20.7.2024)
MARE conference 2024
MCG has participated at the 2-day MARE construction industry conference at the MFCC, Malta. The conference was opened by the Hon minister Dr Jonathan Attard and shadow minister the Hon Ing Stanley Zammit.
This year MCG had a stand and MCG President Peter Gatt gave a presentation titled 'Ground Truth'. (23-24.5.2024)
MCG participates in stakeholder meeting at Office of the Prime Minister
MCG President Dr Peter Gatt and Secretary General Mr Christopher Gauci participated in a meeting of construction stakeholders organised by the Office of the Prime Minister. The meeting was attended by the President of the Chamber of Engineers, CEO of the Building and Construction Authority, Malta Enterprise, Association of Contractors and OHSA. The meeting was chaired by Mr Glenn Micallef from the OPM. (1.4.2024)
MARE Conference 2023
For the second time, the MCG participated in the two-day MARE conference on the construction industry in Malta, held at the MFCC along with 70 other exhibitors and partners. The MCG this year mounted a stand and the MCG President, Dr Peter Gatt, participated on a panel discussing safety in construction along with other stakeholders from the Chamber of Architects & Civil Engineers (Kamra tal-periti), Malta Chamber of Project Managers and the health and safety industry. (1-2.6.2023)
Exploring links between ESG and Renewable Energy
The MCG President Dr Peter Gatt delivered a presentation on Malta's Exclusive Economic Zone at the Conference exploring links between ESG and renewable energy, organised by PKF. The Conference was addressed by Energy Minister Dr Miriam Dalli and several stakeholders. Dr Gatt spoke about the potential of Malta's EEZ for natural gas, geothermal energy and hydrogen gas. Dr Gatt highlighted the need for Malta to have a National Geological Service. ESG and renewable energy (12.4.2023).
Malta's Energy Agenda
The MCG President, Dr Peter Gatt participates in a Business Breakfast along with Hon Dr Miriam Dalli, Minister for Energy and Prof Mule Stagno (University of Malta). The event was organised by the Times of Malta and sponsored by the European Commission. (23.1.2023)
European Federation of Geologists
The MCG President, Dr Peter Gatt attends the 81st Council meeting of the European Federation of Geologists in Brussels. During the meeting Dr Gatt delivered a presentation on behalf of the National Associations of Italy, Malta, the Netherlands and Spain on the development of the profession of the geologist in Europe. (18-20.11.2022)
Green Deal
The MCG President Dr Peter Gatt participates in a webinar on the Green Deal organised by the Times of Malta with the support of the European Parliament. The panel consisted of Dr Alfred Sant MEP, Ing Patrick Spiteri Staines, Dr Peter Gatt and was moderated by Mark Lawrence Zammit. (2.6.2022)
MARE conference 2022
The MCG is partner to the MARE Summit on the Construction Industry in Malta.
A presentation titled 'Building on safe ground: What is the underlying geology?' was delivered by MCG President during the conference.
(5. 5. 2022)
The Malta Chamber of Geologists is a registered professional organisation (VO/2329)
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