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What are geologists?

All over Europe, geologists are engaged in three sectors of activity: Resources & Energy,  Environment  and  Construction. The role of the geologist is different from that of the engineer: Geologists interpret, engineers design and build.

Geologists make use of their special knowledge for the benefit of the public and are trained to consider the entire physical environment, the materials that compose it (rocks, soils, and water). Geologists work in exploration and development of mineral resources used in construction and industry and development of water resources, but also evaluating the stability of foundations for buildings, dams, bridges and roads, plus many others. Few other professions affect the public more than geology, especially through collaboration with the construction and engineering professions. 

Why should you contact a geologist?


What is a Geologist?

The Profession

Who are we?

 Who are we?

Council & Regulations

What are we saying?

Latest news from the Chamber of Geologists

Who are our partners?

National and international affiliations

         MCG PARTNERS       

MOUs signed with the following entities


Professionalism     Innovation      Sustainability      Public safety


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The Malta Chamber of Geologists is a registered professional organisation (VO/2329) 

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