Find out about the profession of the geologist in Malta and in Europe:
In Europe, the formal recognition of the title ‘Geologist’ within a regulated profession already exists in Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Estonia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Slovakia, United Kingdom and Liechtenstein.
In these countries Geologists are the professionals who are competent to carry out the following:
Data collection and preparing geological maps and geological cross sections
Identification and assessment of geological risks and land surface stability
Certification of geological materials (geomaterials) used in construction and industry
Exploration and evaluation of georesources: industrial rocks, ground water, minerals and hydrocarbons
Engineering Geology, Pedological and Geotechnical surveys
Applied geology to planning, e.g., avoidance of water flooding
Provide accurate and reliable information to government agencies for public use
Oil and gas development
Geological and hydrogeological assessments and reports
Function as managers/director of quarrying and mining activities
Function as director and guarantor for geotechnical laboratories
Contaminated soil investigations and remediation and solid waste siting
Research activities