Diploma in Geology

IDEA Academy in collaboration with the Malta Chamber of Geologists is offering a Diploma course in geology at two levels.

Diploma in Geology

A one-year course intended to give students a solid foundation in Geology, its underlying principles and scientific approach, the sedimentology of the carbonate and siliciclastic realms and the formation of natural features by geomorphological processes and tectonics. In addition, students will develop skills in geological mapping, geotechnical laboratory practice and report writing and cover the economic aspects of rock (Industrial Rocks and Minerals and Critical Mineral Resources) and their use in the construction industry (Geomaterials).        

60 ECTS:

·         Earth Systems                                            12 ECTS

·         Earth Materials I                                          18 ECTS

·         Earth Georesources                                      12 ECTS

·         Field and laboratory skills                       6 ECTS

·         Deformation processes                            6 ECTS

·         Surface processes                                        6 ECTS


Higher Diploma in Geology

On exiting the Diploma course at the end of the first year, after successfully passing all the units to a total of 60 ECTS entitles the student to proceed to a Higher Diploma in Geology with a total of 120 ECTS. The second year has the following modules:

   60 ECTS

·         Remote data acquisition in Geology    12 ECTS

·         Dynamic Earth and planets                 12 ECTS

·         Basin analysis                                       12 ECTS

·         Earth Materials II                                 18 ECTS

·         Hydrogeology                                          6 ECTS


The Malta Chamber of Geologists is a registered professional organisation (VO/2329) 

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email: chamberofgeologists@gmail.com | mob. 79603783