Executive Council 

The Malta Chamber of Geologists is governed by the Executive Council. The present Council was elected for the period 2024-2026 during the Annual General Meeting held on 5th February 2024. The Council consists of four members with voting rights:


Dr Peter Gatt  BIO  

MSc (R'dg),  PhD (Dunelm)


Mr Christopher Gauci 

BSc (Melit), MSc (Cork)

Treasurer/ Inter.  Sec.

Dr Paul V Grech 

BSc (Syd), MBA, PhD (Adel)

Education Secretary

Ms Lindsay Debono 

BSc (UWO), MSc (UWO), P.Geo

About the Chamber:

Past Councils

2022-2023 Council:

        Dr Peter Gatt (President)

        Mr Christopher Gauci (Secretary-General)

        Dr Paul Grech (Treasurer)

        Mr Elton Vella (Education Secretary)

        Dr Daniel Sultana (member)

2022-2024 Council:  

        Dr Peter Gatt (President)

        Mr Christopher Gauci (Secretary-General)

        Dr Paul Grech (Treasurer)

        Mr Elton Vella (Education Secretary)

Honorary members

Dr Edward Rose: Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London, UK

Dr Martyn Pedley: Reader in Carbonate Sedimentology, Department of Geography University of Hull, UK

Prof Maria Mutti: Chair of Sedimentary Geology at the University of Potsdam, Germany.



Benefits of joining the MCG:

        go to membership page for details


The Malta Chamber of Geologists is administered by the Council and regulated by its statute.  Copies of the statue of the MCG are deposited with the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations and the Malta Business Registry.

view Statute


The Malta Chamber of Geologists is a registered professional organisation (VO/2329) 

If you want to receive the Chamber's bi-monthly newsletter please send us your email address and it will be included in our mailing list.

email: | mob. 79603783