Code of Professional Conduct

 I.  Society


1. Members of the Chamber will abide with the following to ensure the Profession’s standing in Society:

a.      Not associate with persons and organisations of ill-repute or members of secret organisations.

b.      Prevent the member’s name from being used in ventures engaging in fraudulent or dishonest activities.

c.       Be factual, truthful and avoid incorrect, misleading or exaggerated statements in all writings and presentations.

d.      Avoid any act to promote one’s self-interest at the expense of others and of the profession.

e.      Avoid plagiarism and acknowledge the work of others.


II. The Profession


All geologists following this Code must pay regard to their professional conduct to the standards and to the spirit of the following clauses, so as not to harm the dignity of the profession.

2. The privilege of exercising the profession of geology demands the highest standards of integrity, morality, professional conscience, and moral responsibility. A Geologist must maintain a balance between theoretical and practical aspects of geology and guarantee the following knowledge and skills:


3. The geologist is responsible for the impression he/she gives of the profession in the opinion of those around him/her and of the public at large.

4. The geologist is obliged to maintain professional secrecy, and to protect third parties.

5. The Geologists must engage in continuous professional development (CPD) and training offered by the Malta Chamber of Geologists and organisations in which the chamber is affiliated.

6. The Geologist should take all reasonable steps to point out the danger of refusing one’s professional advice and to counter such refusal by providing published or otherwise legally acceptable evidence.


III. Relations with other Geologists


7. The rules of loyalty and honesty should control the actions of the geologist towards his/her colleagues, his employers and to third parties with whom he/she is in contact. In particular, he/she is required not to divulge information liable to discredit another colleague.

8. The geologist must neither plagiarise documents issued by other Geologists but cite their works when reference is made to their works nor put his/her name to anything that is untrue, nor make agreements that prejudice his/her client’s position.

9. Avoid ridicule or indifference when a colleague or the profession is unfairly criticised by persons who are not members of the Chamber.


IV.  Relations with Clients and employers


10. The geologist must always inform his/her client of the true limitations of practical results that might be obtained from a given professional assistance, especially if it implies increased costs for the client.

11. The geologist must avoid any sort of negligence in the practice of his/her profession, especially when this gives rise to risks or of material or moral damage for his/her client of for the environment.

12. The geologist must not alter, or deny the existence of, facts or accepted technical or scientific truths which could thereby favour a client or mislead the public.

13. The geologist must not publicise professional qualifications that he/she does not actually hold with the aim of keeping his client from going to other professional colleagues

14. The geologist must refer, or advise reference, to the help of other specialists whenever the interests of his/her employer or client are thereby better served. He/she must, in his/her conclusions, distinguish between his/her own work and that of his/her colleagues.

15. If, after having given his/her advice, a geologist becomes aware that it will not be entirely followed, he/she should, regardless of his/her own position, inform the relevant person of the foreseen risks.


V. Working environment

16. A respectful and fruitful working environment is fundamental for maintaining a high level of professionalism. Therefore, discrimination or harassment, either sexual or of any other kind, is unacceptable because it offends the dignity of persons and seriously undermines the atmosphere of trust essential to the work of all geologists. Such actions should be denounced immediately to authorities. It is unprofessional and unethical to condone any kind of discrimination or harassment or to disregard complaints of harassment from colleagues or staff.

VI. Grievances


17. Members and the public can report or seek advice about unethical conduct by a member of the profession by contacting the Chamber and provide details about the case. The complaint shall be immediately referred to the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee and shall be dealt with in strict confidence.


Date:      18th May 2022

Revised:  9th January 2024