MCG in the PRESS

       Malta Chamber of Geologists in the Press/media:




       Geologists in the Press/media:

Malta's cliffs are eroding at a faster rate than before - 

'The Geological factor' - Dr Mark Said - Malta Today 

Oil fortunes – our skeleton in the cupboard | The Malta Business Weekly 

Geologists are the competent persons to make geological assessments – Peter Gatt - The Malta Independent 

Climate change 

‘Why has Malta given up on oil and gas exploration’, geologist queries - The Malta Independent 

Thorough geological studies to ensure safety needed for metro proposal - geologist - The Malta Independent 

‘Wrongly Labelled Cement Impacts Quality Of Our Infrastructure Development,’ Says Malta’s Top Geologist ( 

Portland cement not labelled according to EU standard 

Role of Geologists in construction industry 

Earthquakes in Malta

 Slope instability at Fomm ir-Rih

 Geology matters, so do lives – Peter Gatt on collapsed buildings - The Malta Independent 

"These tragic accidents will continue to happen" - geologist - TVM News 

'Elimination of geological investigation is a step backwards from current construction law' - The Malta Independent 

Proposed law puts properties near construction sites in bigger danger ( 

“Għandu jkollna s-serħan tal-moħħ" - Prof. Peter Gatt - YouTube 

Proposed Malta-Gozo: Geological aspects

 Sliema tower built over 'unstable' cliff, geologist warns ( 

interview: Malta's oil and gas resources

 Oil exploration - The Malta Independent 

Malta’s continental shelf oil is largest asset ( 


The Malta Chamber of Geologists is a registered professional organisation (VO/2329) 

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